
This page contains a list of my accepted scientific publications, including, where available, PDFs, BibTeX citations, and links to the publisher's web pages. Similar information may also be found on:

Journal papers

20. A. Paykani, C.E. Frouzakis, C. Schurch, F. Perini, K. Boulouchos, "Computational optimization of CH4/H2/CO blends in a spark-ignition engine using quasi-dimensional combustion model", Fuel 303, 121281, 2021. doi:10.1016/j.fuel.2021.121281 .

19. F. Perini, S. Busch, R.D. Reitz, "Investigation of post-injection strategies for diesel engine Catalyst Heating Operation using a vapor-liquid-equilibrium-based spray model", The Journal of Supercritical Fluids 167, 105042, 2020. doi:10.1016/j.supflu.2020.105042.

18. S. Busch, F. Perini, R. Reitz, E. Kurtz, "Effects of Stepped-Lip Combustion System Design and Operating Parameters on Turbulent Flow Evolution in a Diesel Engine", SAE Int. J. Engines 13(2):2020, doi:10.4271/03-13-02-0016 .

17. F. Perini, S. Busch, R.D.Reitz, "A phenomenological rate of injection model for predicting fuel injection with application to mixture formation in light-duty engines", Proc ImechE Part D: J Automobile Engineering 234(7), 1826-1839, 2020. doi:10.1177/0954407019898062
[PDF, Publisher]

16. S. Busch, F. Perini, "Progress toward understanding vortex generation in stepped-lip diesel engine combustion chambers", Results in Engineering 1(2019), 100004, doi:10.1016/j.rineng.2019.100004
[Publisher, open-access]

15. F. Perini, R.D. Reitz, "Fast approximations of exponential and logarithm functions combined with efficient storage/retrieval for combustion kinetics calculations", Combustion and Flame 194(2018), 37-51.
[PDF, Publisher]

14. F. Perini, K. Zha, S. Busch, E. Kurtz, R.C. Peterson, A. Warey, R.D. Reitz, "Piston geometry effects in a light-duty, swirl-supported diesel engine: flow structure characterization", International Journal of Engine Research Online First, 2017, doi:10.1177/1468087417742572
[PDF, Publisher]

13. F. Perini, Y. Ra, K. Hiraoka, K. Nomura, A. Yuuki, Y. Oda, C.J. Rutland, R.D. Reitz, "An Efficient Level-Set Flame Propagation Model for Hybrid Unstructured Grids using the G-Equation", SAE International Journal of Engines 9(3) 2016, doi:10.4271/2016-01-0582.
[PDF, Publisher]

12. F. Perini and R.D. Reitz, "Improved atomization, collision and sub-grid scale momentum coupling models for transient vaporizing engine sprays", International Journal of Multiphase Flows 79(2016), 107-123. doi:10.1016/j.ijmultiphaseflow.2015.10.009
[PDF, Publisher]

11. F. Perini, P.C. Miles, R.D. Reitz, "A comprehensive modeling study of in-cylinder fluid flows in a high-swirl, light-duty optical diesel engine", Computers & Fluids 2014(105):113-124, doi:10.1016/j.compfluid.2014.09.011.
[PDF, Publisher]

10. F. Perini, D. Sahoo, P.C. Miles, R.D. Reitz, "Modeling the Ignitability of a Pilot Injection for a Diesel Primary Reference Fuel: Impact of Injection Pressure, Ambient Temperature and Fuel Mass" , SAE Int. J. Fuels Lubr. April 2014(7):48-64; doi:10.4271/2014-01-1258.
[PDF, Publisher]

9. F. Perini, B. Das Adhikary, J.H. Lim, X. Su, Y. Ra, H. Wang, R.D. Reitz, "Improved Chemical Kinetics Numerics for the Efficient Simulation of Advanced Combustion Strategies" , SAE Int. J. Engines 7(1):2014, doi:10.4271/2014-01-1113.
[PDF, Publisher]

8. F. Perini, A. Krishnasamy, Y. Ra, R.D. Reitz, "Computationally efficient simulation of multi-component fuel combustion using a sparse analytical Jacobian chemistry solver and high-dimensional clustering", ASME J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power 136(9), 091515, 2014. doi: 10.1115/1.4027280
[PDF, Publisher]

7. F. Perini, E. Galligani, R.D. Reitz, "A study of direct and Krylov iterative solver techniques to approach linear scaling of the integration of Chemical Kinetics with detailed combustion mechanims", Combustion and Flame 161(5), 1180-1195, 2014.
[PDF, Publisher]

6. F. Perini, "High-dimensional, unsupervised cell clustering for computationally efficient engine simulations with detailed combustion chemistry", Fuel 106, 344-356, 2012.
[PDF, Publisher]

5. F. Perini, E. Galligani, R.D. Reitz, "An analytical Jacobian approach to sparse reaction kinetics for computationally efficient combustion modelling with large reaction mechanisms", Energy&Fuels 26 (8), 4804-4822, 2012.
[PDF, Publisher]

4. F. Perini, J.L. Brakora, G. Cantore, R.D. Reitz, "Development of reduced and optimized reaction mechanisms based on genetic algorithms and element flux analysis", Combustion and Flame 159 (1), 103-119, 2012.
[PDF, Publisher]

3. F. Perini, E. Mattarelli, "Development and calibration of an enhanced quasi-dimensional combustion model for HSDI diesel engines", International Journal of Engine Research 12 (4), 311-335, 2011.
[PDF, Publisher]

2. F. Perini, F. Paltrinieri, E. Mattarelli, "A quasi-dimensional combustion model for performance and emissions of SI engines running on hydrogen–methane blends", International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 35 (10), 4687-4701, 2010.
[PDF, Publisher]

1. E. Mattarelli, F. Perini, C.A. Rinaldini, "Optimization of a Supercharged Single Cylinder Engine for a Formula SAE Racing Car", SAE International Journal of Engines 2 (1), 199-210, 2009.
[PDF, Publisher]

Conference papers

24. F. Perini, C. Wright, R.D. Reitz, K. Hiraoka, T. Kamino, "A Dual-Fuel Model of Flame Initiation and Propagation for Modelling Heavy-Duty Engines with the G-Equation", JSAE Technical Paper 20239007, JSAE 2023 Powertrains, Energy and Lubricants International Meeting, Kyoto, Japan, 8/29-9/1, 2023.
[PDF, Publisher]

23. F. Perini, R.D. Reitz, N. Fiorini, A. Innocenti, M. Latinov, G. Vichi, "An optimized, data-driven reaction mechanism for Dual-Fuel combustion of Ammonia and Diesel Primary Reference Fuels", JSAE Technical Paper 20239124, JSAE 2023 Powertrains, Energy and Lubricants International Meeting, Kyoto, Japan, 8/29-9/1, 2023.
[PDF, Publisher]

22. F. Perini, F. Dal Forno Chuahy, A. Sircar, D. Splitter, R. Reitz, "Advanced Finite-Volume Numerics and Source Term Assumptions for Kernel and G-Equation Modelling of Propane/Air Flames", SAE Technical Paper 2022-01-0406, 2022, doi:10.4271/2022-01-0406.
[PDF, Publisher]

21. F. Perini, A. Wu, S. Busch, R. Reitz, "Non-Equilibrium Law-of-the-wall Modeling for Improved Heat Transfer Predictions: Model Development and Validation", SAE Technical Paper 2022-01-0405, 2022, doi:10.4271/2022-01-0405.
[PDF, Publisher]

20. A. Wu, S. Busch, F. Perini, S. Cho, D. Lopez Pintor, R. Reitz, "Numerical and Experimental Studies of a Novel Dimpled Stepped-Lip Piston Design on Turbulent Flow Development in a Medium-Duty Diesel Engine", SAE Technical Paper 2022-01-0400, 2022, doi:10.4271/2022-01-0400.
[PDF, Publisher]

19. F. Perini, S. Busch, R.D. Reitz, A. Wu, "Parallel Load Balancing Strategies for Mesh-Independent Spray Vaporization and Collision Models," SAE Technical Paper 2021-01-0412, 2021, doi:10.4271/2021-01-0412.
[PDF, Publisher]

18. F. Perini, S. Busch, R.D. Reitz, "An Investigation of Real-Gas and Multiphase Effects on Multicomponent Diesel Sprays", SAE Technical Paper 2020-01-0240, 2020, doi:10.4271/2020-01-0240.
[PDF, Publisher]

17. F.  Perini, S. Busch, K. Zha, E. Kurtz, R.D. Reitz, “Piston Bowl Geometry Effects on Combustion Development in a high-speed light-duty Diesel Engine”, SAE Technical Paper 2019-24-0167, 2019, doi:10.4271/2019-24-0167.
[PDF, Publisher]

17. F. Perini, S. Bna, E. Pascolo, I. Spisso, R.D. Reitz, "Robust preconditioning techniques for iterative solvers in scalable engine simulations using FRESCO", 29th International Multidimensional Engine Modeling User's Group Meeting, Detroit, MI, April 8, 2019.
[HPCEuropa_paper_Perini_final, Publisher]

16. F. Perini, S. Busch, E. Kurtz, A. Warey, R.C. Peterson, R.D. Reitz, “Limitations of sector mesh geometry and initial conditions to model flow and mixture formation in direct-injection diesel engines,” SAE Technical Paper 2019-01-0204, 2019, doi:10.4271/2019-01-0204.
[PDF, Publisher]

15. S. Busch, K. Zha, F. Perini, R.D. Reitz et al., “Bowl Geometry Effects on Turbulent Flow Structure in a Direct Injection Diesel
Engine,” SAE Technical Paper 2018-01-1794, 2018, doi:10.4271/2018-01-1794.
[PDF, Publisher]

14. F. Perini, K. Hiraoka, Y. Oda, A. Yuuki, C.J. Rutland, R.D. Reitz, "A Triangulated Lagrangian Ignition Kernel Model with Detailed Kinetics for Modeling Spark Ignition with the G-Equation - Part I: Geometric Aspects", SAE Tachnical Paper 2018-01-0195, SAE 2018 World Congress and Exhibition 2018, Detroit, MI, April 10-12, 2018, doi:10.4271/2018-01-0195.
[PDF, Publisher]

13. G. Zhu, K. Pattabiraman, F. Perini, C.J. Rutland, "Modeling Ignition and COmbustion in Spark-Ignition Engines Based on Swept-Volume Method", SAE Tachnical Paper 2018-01-0188, SAE 2018 World Congress and Exhibition 2018, Detroit, MI, April 10-12, 2018, doi:10.4271/2018-01-0188.
[PDF, Publisher]

12. F. Perini and R.D. Reitz, "FRESCO - an object-oriented, parallel platform for internal combustion engine simulations", 28th International Multidimensional Engine Modeling User's Group Meeting at the SAE Congress, Detroit, MI, April 9, 2018.
[PDF, Publisher]

11. F. Perini, S. Busch, K. Zha, R.D. Reitz, “Comparison of Linear, Non-linear and Generalized RNG-based k-epsilon models for turbulent diesel engine flows”, SAE Technical Paper 2017-01-0561, 2017 SAE World Congress and Exhibition, Detroit, MI, April 4-6, 2017.
[PDF, Publisher]

10. F. Perini, K. Zha, S. Busch, A. Warey, R. Peterson, R.D. Reitz, “Modeling the effects of pilot injection strategies on combustion noise and soot emissions in a light-duty optical diesel engine”, THIESEL 2016 Conference on Thermo- and Fluid Dynamic Processes in Direct Injection Engines, Valencia, Spain, 2016.

9. F. Perini, K.Zha, S. Busch, P.C. Miles, R.D. Reitz, "Principal Component Analysis and study of port-induced swirl structures in a light-duty optical diesel engine", SAE Technical paper 2015-01-1696, SAE 2015 World Congress & Exhibition 2015, Detroit, MI, April 21-23 2015.
[PDF, Publisher]

8. F. Perini, K. Zha, D. Sahoo, S. Busch, P.C. Miles, R.D. Reitz, "Effects of in-cylinder non-uniformities on mixture preparation in a light-duty Diesel engine operating a light-load Partially Premixed Combustion strategy" - THIESEL 2014 Conference on Thermo- and Fluid Dynamic Processes in Direct Injection Engines, Valencia, Spain, 2014.

7. F. Perini, A.B. Dempsey, R.D. Reitz, D. Sahoo, B. Petersen, P.C. Miles, "A Computational Investigation of the Effects of Swirl Ratio and Injection Pressure on Mixture Preparation and Wall Heat Transfer in a Light-Duty Diesel Engine", SAE Technical paper 2013-01-1105, SAE 2013 World Congress & Exhibition 2013, Detroit, MI, 2013.
[PDF, Publisher]

6. F. Perini, E. Galligani, G. Cantore, R.D. Reitz, "Validation of a Sparse Analytical Jacobian Chemistry Solver for Heavy-Duty Diesel Engine Simulations with Comprehensive Reaction Mechanisms", SAE Technical paper 2012-01-1974, SAE 2012 Commercial Vehicle Engineering Congress, Rosemont, IL, 2012.
[PDF, Publisher]

5. F. Perini, G. Cantore, R.D. Reitz, "An analysis on time scale separation for internal combustion engine simulations with detailed chemistry", SAE Technical paper 2011-24-0028, 10th International Conference on Engines & Vehicles, Capri (Italy), 2011;
[PDF, Publisher]

4. E. Mattarelli, F. Paltrinieri, F. Perini, C.A. Rinaldini, M. Wilksch, "2-Stroke Diesel engine for light aircrafts: IDI vs. DI combustion system", SAE Technical paper 2010-01-2147, SAE 2010 Powertrains Fuels & Lubricants meeting, 2010.

3. F. Perini, E. Mattarelli, F. Paltrinieri, "Development and Validation of Predictive Emissions Schemes for Quasi-Dimensional Combustion Models", SAE Technical paper 2010-01-0148, SAE World Congress & Exhibition 2010, Detroit, MI, 2010.
[PDF, Publisher]

2. M. Meldi and F. Perini - Reduced Interaction between numerical and model errors through anisotropic filtering, "Quality and Reliability of Large-Eddy Simulation II", september 9-11 2009, Pisa, Italy, Ed. Springer, ISBN: 978-94-007-0230-1.
[PDF, Publisher]

1. G. Cantore, F. Paltrinieri, F. Perini, C.A. Rinaldini, "A Lumped Parameter Approach for Simulation of ICE Cooling Systems", SAE Technical paper 2009-01-2760, SAE 2009 Powertrains Fuels and Lubricants Meeting, San Diego, CA, 2009.

Technical reports and other publications

5. F. Perini, S. Busch, R.D. Reitz, “Modeling Piston Bowl Geometry Effects on Combustion in a High-Speed Diesel Engine”, proceedings of the 17th Conference “The Working Process of the Internal Combustion Engine”, 165-177, Graz, September 26-27, 2019.
[PDF, Publisher]

4. J.H. Lim, F. Perini, R.D. Reitz, "High load (21 bar IMEP) dual fuel RCCI combustion optimization", International Multidimensional Engine Modeling User's Group Meeting at the SAE Congress (IMEM) Detroit, MI, April 15, 2013.

3. E. Galligani, F. Perini, "A note on the Rosenbrock formulae", University of Modena Numerical Analysis Technical Report TR NA-UniMoRE-5-2013, 2013.
[PDF, University website]

2. G. Cantore, F. Perini, "Approcci all'incorporazione di meccanismi di combustione dettagliati per la simulazione multidimensionale dei motori a combustione interna", I Giornata di Studio Roberto Bettocchi, Cento (FE), Italy,  2012 (in Italian).

1. F. Perini, G. Cantore, "Simulazione quasi-dimensionale del processo di combustione di motori a combustione interna alimentati ad idrogeno", proceedings of "Giornata di Studio - Il motore alternativo alimentato ad idrogeno", Pisa, Italy, November 2009.


F. Perini, "Automated CFD Meshing with focus on Internal Combustion Engines", University of Wisconsin Engine Research Center, June 14th, 2024.

F. Perini, S. Bna, E. Pascolo, I. Spisso, R.D. Reitz, "Leveraging HPC technology for faster simulations of engine combustion", Workshop HPC for Industry 4.0, Milano, May 23, 2019.

F. Perini, R.D. Reitz, "Better models for better engines: towards multi-physics modelling", Free University of Bozen, December 13th, 2018.

K. Zha, F. Perini, S. Busch, C. Park, R.D. Reitz, E.M. Kurtz, A. Warey, R.C. Peterson, "Piston Geometry Effects on Compression Stroke Swirling Flow in a Light-Duty Optical Diesel Engine"
16PFL-1192, SAE World Congress 2016, Detroit, MI, April 12th, 2016.

F. Perini, R.D. Reitz, "Computationally efficient dimension reduction of combustion chemistry via Principal Components Analysis based domain partitioning", 2nd Frontiers in Computational Physics - Energy Sciences conference, Zurich, June 3-5, 2015.

F. Perini, R.D. Reitz, "Towards improved spray models for handling complex engine geometries", IEA Combustion Agreement Fuel Spray Workshop 2015, Detroit, MI, Apr 20th, 2015.

F. Perini, P.C. Miles, R.D. Reitz, "Improving spray models for advanced combustion strategies", IEA 36th Task Leaders Meeting 2014 "Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction in Combustion", Stavanger (Norway), June 9-13, 2014.

F. Perini, "Importance of internal flow and geometry modelling in the GM 1.9L light duty engine", University of Wisconsin Engine Research Center, November 19th, 2013.
[PDF, Video]

F. Perini, "A computational investigation of the effects of swirl ratio and injection pressure on mixture preparation in a light-duty diesel engine", University of Wisconsin Engine Research Center, January 22nd, 2013
[PDF, Video]

F. Perini, "Approaches to the incorporation of realistic chemical kinetics in multidimensional engine combustion simulations", Michigan State University, May 14th, 2012

F. Perini, "SpeedCHEM - A Sparse Analytical Jacobian Chemistry code for engine simulations with detailed chemistry", University of Wisconsin Engine Research Center, October 9th, 2012
[PDF, Video]


"Tips and tricks for good (and fast) scientific programming",
University of Wisconsin Engine Research Center, 11/27, 12/04, 12/11 2013.
[Video1, Video2, Video3, PDF1, PDF2]

"Modern Fortran for Scientific Computing and Engineering Applications" [in Italian], University of Modena, Italy, December 11-12, 2012.
[Google group page]


F. Perini, R.D. Reitz, "An improved sub-grid scale flow model for transient fuel sprays", ERC Symposium, Madison WI, June 3-4, 2015.

F. Perini, R.D. Reitz, P.C. Miles, "Study of In-cylinder Swirl Flow Structures using Principal Component Analysis", ERC Symposium, Madison WI, June 3-4, 2015.

F. Perini, P.C. Miles, R.D. Reitz, "Modeling Partially Premixed Combustion in a Light Duty Optical Diesel Engine", ERC Symposium, Madison WI, June 5-6, 2013.

F. Perini, G. Cantore, E. Galligani, R.D. Reitz, "Advanced Numerics for Detailed Chemical Kinetics in Internal Combustion Engine Simulations", ERC Symposium, Madison WI, June 5-6, 2013.

Ph. D. Thesis

F. Perini, "Optimally reduced reaction mechanisms for internal combustion engines running on biofuels", University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, 2011.
[PDF, University website]

Please visit the corresponding page containing further details.